[TiLUG] qualcuno vuol venire a Roma?
Emanuele Quinto
Gio 5 Nov 2009 16:58:19 CET
L'agenzia per cui lavoro sta cercando qualcuno giovane, appena uscito
da scuola preticamente che abbia esperienza di:
• Hands-on web development using one or more established Content
Management Systems, preferably using Plone, Python and Zope;
• Experience with UNIX system administration and system management
packages and protocols;
• Experience in web design / graphic design experience, good
experience in usability and accessibility;
• Experience in document repository systems;
• Experience in Java, Javascript, Jquery, CSS, HTML, DHTML, XML, SEO
Se qualcuno e' interessato o conosce qualcuno che potrebbe esserlo
scrivetemi o mandatami direttamente il CV (in inglese).
L'inglese non e' un optional.
Emanuele Quinto - www.kronstadt.it
My mother used to say to me, "Elwood" - she always called me Elwood -
"In this world, Elwood, you must be oh-so smart, or oh-so pleasant."
For years I was smart. I recommend pleasant, and you may quote me.
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