[TiLUG] Returned email: La mia lingua e birichina, vuole giocare con te

Mail Delivery Subsystem postmaster@mail.cobranet.ro
Lun 12 Ott 2020 10:22:41 CEST

This is an informative message sent by mail.cobranet.ro.

The server was not able to deliver your email message 

  Subject: La mia lingua e birichina, vuole giocare con te
  Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 11:22:45 +0300

to the following addresses:

  <niko_31@live.it> (eur.olc.protection.outlook.com: 550 5.7.1 Unfortunately
, messages from [] weren't sent. Please contact your Internet se
rvice provider since part of their network is on our block list (S3150). You
 can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.a
spx#errors. [DB8EUR05FT022.eop-eur05.prod.protection.outlook.com])
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