Your trip in Italy

19 Oct 2001 18:35:48 +0200


while planning your trip to Italy don't forget to look at

Guest in Italy ® is here to lend a hand to whoever is looking for support while travelling in Italy.

The selection of apartments and hotels and Guest in Italy ®'s booking system are the ideal solution for those of you that like to personally plan and book your own vacation by allowing you to choose the best accommodation at the lowest prices.

Our offer also includes a selected choice of apartments in Rome, Florence and Venice as well as in the countryside.

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New features and articles are being prepared for anyone wishing to travel in Europe!

Once you arrive in Italy we strongly recommend you take one of our guided tours as a great introduction to the many wonders of Italy.

All solutions are comfortable and central, well connected to places of artistic and historical interest.

We are waiting for you

Sarah Martini

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