(3rd call!) Please update debconf PO translation for the package dhcp3 3.0.4-15

Christian Perrier bubulle@debian.org
Mer 30 Maggio 2007 21:07:19 CEST

(there are packages, sometimes, who apparently get a malediction. So, folks,
a mistake slipped in the second attempt to call for translation updates for
dhcp3 and it is my sad duty to inform you that we have to do one more round)


The debian-l10n-english team has reviewed the debconf templates for
dhcp3. This process has resulted in changes that may make your
existing translation incomplete.

A round of translation updates is being launched to synchronize all

Please send the updated file against already reported bug if you already
sent an update.

The deadline for receiving the updated translation is Wednesday, June 13, 2007.


-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        it.po
Tipo:        text/x-gettext
Dimensione:  12256 bytes
Descrizione: non disponibile
Url:         http://lists.linux.it/pipermail/tp/attachments/20070530/29616148/attachment-0001.bin 

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