Needed update for console-setup debconf translations (for Debian Installer)

Christian Perrier
Mer 10 Nov 2010 20:15:16 CET

Dear translator and translation team,

The console-setup package translation is normally included in
so-called "Debian Installer level 1" translations.

However, it was recently discovered that some of its localizable
material was unfortunately not included in strings to translate.

Instead of reincluding it blindly (and then mess completely Debian
Installer localization statistics very late in the release process), I
decided to deal with these updates separately.

Please update the attached translation as soon as possible (within the
next week would be great). That will considerably improve the user
experience in your language, particularly with the graphical installer.

Please send translation updates preferrably as bug reports against the
console-setup package. If you don't know how to do this, please send
them to if you're really in
trouble, please send them to me directly.

Translation teams, if the original translator (see the "To:" field of
this mail) is unresponsive, please take the translation over as soon
as possible.

Many thanks in advance for your help. Please accept apologies for the
very late notice and the pressure we're putting on you for this update
to happen.

-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale รจ stato rimosso....
Nome:        it.po
Tipo:        text/x-gettext
Dimensione:  24903 bytes
Descrizione: non disponibile
URL:         <>

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