Best supplying partner of designers and artists - custom products with supreme quality and flexible ordering quantity.

Inspire Marketing Limited
Gio 24 Mar 2011 10:03:24 CET

Dear Customer,
Founded in 2003, Inspire is principally engaged in developing and manufacturing range of plush toys. Our product range involves Plush Electronics, Baby Items, Commercial Premium, Sport Mascots, Souvenirs, Accessories and Household Novelties.Companies such as MGA, McDonald’s and Hallmark are our major clients.
Our Strength:
-       Capable to interpreting character drawings, sketches or sample photos into on the shelf ready solutions. 
-       Flexible MOQ. Product diversity of combined order boost sales, shorten turnover time and achieving a wider distributing channels.
-       Years of working relationship with national sport teams, toy distributing networks and designers. Provide marketing advices, handle safety testes in product development stage.
-       Ability to handle outsourcing products, working with suppliers who provide flexible ordering quantities and top quality.
Inspire Marketing Limited
Flat I, 11/F., Shield Industrial Centre, 
84-92 Chai Wan Kok Street, Tsuen Wan, NT, 
Hong Kong SAR

Pengda Road 112-113, Nanlian, Long Gang District, 
Shenzhen, China Postcode: 518116
Tel.: +852 22124318
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