Fw: [gtk-gnutella-devel] Call for translations

Luca Bruno lucab@debian.org
Mar 10 Maggio 2011 22:39:42 CEST

Lorenzo, e tutti: riusciamo a chiudere il gap e farlo revisionare?

Inizio messaggio inviato:

Data: Tue, 10 May 2011 19:22:53 +0200
Da: Raphael Manfredi <Raphael_Manfredi@pobox.com>
Oggetto: [gtk-gnutella-devel] Call for translations

Release 0.97 is going to be issued in about a month from now (say after

I've updated the translation strings (in the po/ subdirectory) and there
are lots of newly introduced text in previous versions that are not 
translated in the many languages that GTKG supports.

For people willing to undertake this translation updating effort, you
have roughly 5 weeks to work on it...  This may prove challenging!

Here are the known languages and the amount of untranslated messages
in each of them.  There are also lots of fuzzy translations that I'm
not reporting here:

    de      831 untranslated messages.
    el      579 untranslated messages.
    es      100 untranslated messages.
    fr      222 untranslated messages.
    hu      865 untranslated messages.
    it      681 untranslated messages.
    ja      226 untranslated messages.
    nb      106 untranslated messages.
    nl      401 untranslated messages.
    tr      1940 untranslated messages.
    uk      2002 untranslated messages.
    zh_CN   782 untranslated messages.

To perform the translation, you will need to grab the sources from SVN:

    svn co

There is some documentation about what needs to be done in the
doc/devguide/I18N file in the source tree.  You can send me the updated
files and I will commit them in SVN.

On behalf of all the non-English speakers who are using gtk-gnutella,
thank you!


 .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **  | Luca Bruno (kaeso)
: :'  :   The Universal O.S.    | lucab (AT) debian.org
`. `'`  			| GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3
  `-     http://www.debian.org 	| Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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