Hey, Unhappy with your Plan? Notice #22102264

Medi-Care-Enrollment wecare4you@right-plan-medicare101.mobi
Gio 7 Ago 2014 18:39:58 CEST

Notice: 22102264           
Medicare Recipient:  tp@lists.linux.it

Open Enrollment for 2015 Medicare Programs begins 
October 15, 2014 to December 7, 2014. 

You can only change your Medicare or Prescription Drug plan 
during this Annual Election Period.

Find the best, most affordable Medicare plan.

**Aetna, Humana, BlueCross, AARP and more**

Don't Miss Your Chance to Change Plans. 

Find the Best Plan & Save up to 40% Online: http://joinnow.right-plan-medicare101.mobi

Opt-off this_request: http://exit.right-plan-medicare101.mobi
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Dublin 16, Ireland
PO Box_ No. 309


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