You are our most valued customer. Your ID 4283853599

Edmond Hyatt - id:723175792
Ven 21 Ago 2015 12:37:17 CEST

Good day,
Our bank have a birthday today so we would like to give you 
some bonuses as you're the most valuable client of ours. What kind of 
bonuses? Please see the attachment.

Edmond Hyatt
(409) 207-5941
9456 Leonel Views

It was our privilege
to do business with you,
and it would be our pleasure
to continue serving you.
-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        Bank-Edmond Hyatt_(409)
Tipo:        application/x-zip-compressed
Dimensione:  16809 bytes
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URL:         <>

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