Don't pay a fortune for printer ink.
1 Ink
Mer 24 Giu 2015 17:15:03 CEST
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Don't pay a fortune for printer ink.
The holding of a public auction will also usually b k61x4 e regarded as an invitation to treat. Auctions are,
however, a speci 1x4 al case generally. The rule is that the bidder is makin x4g an offer to buy and the auct
ioneer accepts this in whatever man 1x4 ner 4is custom 61x4 ary, usually the fall of the hammer.A bidder
may withdraw his or her bid at any time before the fall of the hammer, but any bid in any event lap
ses as an offer on th 4e making of a 1x4 higher bid, s 61x4 o 4 that if x4 a higher bid is made, then withdrawn befor
e the fall of th 1x4 e hammer, the auctioneer cannot then purport to acce x4pt the previous highest bid. If
an auction is without reserve then, whilst t 4here is no contract k61x4 of sale between the owner of the go
ods and the highest bidder (because the placi 1x4 ng of 61x4 goods in the auction is an invitation to treat), th
ere is a collateral contract between the auctioneer 61x4 and the highest k61x4 bidder that the auction will be h
eld without reserve (i.e., th 4at the highest bid, however 1x4 low, will be accepted). The U.S. Uniform
Commercial Code provides that in an a x4uction without reserve the k61x4 goods may not be withdrawn on
ce they have k61x4 been put up.
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