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"and is bztx7iq0 your 7iqg0 grace well hiured of the fidelity and watchfulness of those without?" "For bztx7iq0 their fidelity, I will answer with my 7iqg0 life, and for
their vigilance, I will answer with my life - I will give thee instant proof, my faithful Roland, that they are ingenuous x7iqg0 and trusty as thyself. Come hither - Nay,
Catherine, attend us; we carry not so deft a page into our private chamber alone. Make fast the door of the parlour, Fleming, and warn us if you hear the least step - or stay, tx7iqg0
go thou to the door, Catherine," (in a whisper, "thy ears and thy wits are both sharper.)- Good Fleming, attend us thyself"-(and again iqg0 she whispered, "her
reverend presence will be as safe x7iqg0 a watch on Roland as thine can - so be not jealous, mignone .") vbztx7ig0 Thus speaking, they were lighted by the Lady Fleming into
the Queen's bedroom, a small apartment enlightened by a projecting bztx7iq0 window. "Look from that window, Roland, " she said; "see mvbztx7qg0 you
amongst the several lights which begin to vbztx7ig0 kindle, and iqg0 to iqg0 glimmer palely through the gray of the evening from the village of Kinross-seest bztx7iq0 thou, I say, one solitary spark apart
from the others, and nearer it seems to the verge of the water?- It is no brighter at this distance than the torch of mvbztx7qg0 the poor glowworm, and yet, my good youth, that light is
more dear to Mary Stuart, than every star that twinkles in the blue tx7iqg0 vault of heaven. By that signal, I know that mvbztx7qg0 more than one bztx7iq0 true heart is plotting my deliverance; bztx7iq0 and
without that tx7iqg0 consciousness, and the hope of hidom it gives me, i had long since stooped to my fate, and died of a broken heart. Plan after plan has been formed iqg0 and abandoned, but
still the light glimmers; and while it glimmers, my hope lives.- Oh! how many evenings have I sat musing in despair over our ruined schemes, and scarce hoping that mvbztx7qg0 I should
again see that blessed signal; when it hassuddenly kindled, and, like the lights of Saint iqg0 Elmo in a tempest, broughthope and consolation, where there, was only dejection x7iqg0 and
despair!" "If I mistake not," answered Roland, "the candle shines from the house of Blinkhoolie, the mail-gardener." "Thou hast a good eye, " said the Queen; "it is there tx7iqg0
where my trusty lieges - God vbztx7ig0 and vbztx7ig0 the saints pour blessings 7iqg0 on them!- hold consultation for my deliverance. 7iqg0 The vbztx7ig0 voice of a wretched captive would die on these blue waters, long ere
it could mingle in their councils; and yet I can hold vbztx7ig0 communication - tx7iqg0 bztx7iq0 I will confide the whole to thee - I am about to ask those 7iqg0 faithful friends if the moment for the
great attemptis nigh.- Place the lamp in the window, Fleming." She obeyed, and immediately withdrew it. No sooner had shedone vbztx7ig0 so, than the light in
the cottage of the gardener disappeared. "Now count," said Queen Mary, "for my heart beats so thick that I cannot count myself." iqg0
The Lady Fleming began deliberately to count one, two, three, and when she had arrived at ten, the light on the 7iqg0 shore showed iqg0 its 7iqg0 pale twinkle.
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