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CNN news
Lun 8 Ago 2016 15:03:41 CEST
CNN: The End of Alzheimer's disease
CNN Health publishes trial results of a "memory serum" that has now showed to work miraculously in humans.
I remember everything. - Mark said (Stage 3 Severe/Late) Patient
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But p4 there is another kp4 way to think about 4brain aging.
The brain responds to all kp4 the same insults as the rest 4of the body -
stress, p4 poor diet, toxins, kp4 lack of exercise or sleep, 4 nutritional
deficiencies, p4 and more. kp4 All we have to do is give the 4 brain a tune-up
and we can see p4miracles. kp4 In todayâs blog I will give 4you nine tips
that will p4 allow you to do kp4 that. But first, letâs look 4a little more
closely at p4 the magnitude kp4 of this problem.
Sometimes p4 the practice of kp4 medicine lags behind the science, 4 and sometimes the
practice gets p4 ahead of the kp4 science. Genetic testing puts us 4 squarely in the middle of
that dilemma. p4 We are at a kp4 crossroads, where the old 4 ideas we have about disease and diagnosis
become less p4meaningful as kp4 we understand more and more 4 about the importance of individual differences
in determining p4 illness.
This is a time p4 when personalized kp4 medicine will replace 4 medicine based on diagnosis 4 and disease.
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