GNOME vuole fare il sistema operativo da grande?

Micky Del Favero
Dom 22 Maggio 2011 15:07:00 CEST 

  The future of GNOME is as a Linux based OS.  It is harmful to pretend
  that you are writing the OS core to work on any number of different
  kernels, user space subsystem combinations, and core libraries.  That
  said, there may be value in defining an application development
  platform or SDK that exposes higher level, more consistent, and
  coherent API.  But that is a separate issue from how we write core
  GNOME components like the System Settings.

Non mi pare sia un'idea intelligente, a me pare l'antitesi della
libertà, voi che ne pensate? 

Ciao, Micky
UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to
be a genius to understand the simplicity.  -- Dennis Ritchie

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