[gardalug] FW: Look your greatest and accessorize with a brand new beloved style.

Secunda alwildae@whale-mail.com
Sab 17 Dic 2005 10:32:20 CET

Getting in the car to get gifts is so last year- come internet shopping
with me tonight!

Have a fab day,


 -------Original Message-------
From: Krysten [mailto:glug@gardalug.linux.it] 
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 8:32 PM
To: Secunda

Hey there Secunda

But since you are such a buddy, I want to send you a spectacular watch for
you also. 

You're going to freak over one of these lovely pieces, and the most
exciting part is they're not expensive! These classy watchwear pieces are
meant to be exhibited by beautiful females... I'm talking about you! I know
you haven't had anything pretty in a while, which is a pity. 

Miss you,


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