[glux] gigi..grazie x la guida ..ma...

iKv6 f_valentino@libero.it
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 13:03:08 +0100

al punto 4)"In /etc/rc.config vado alla fine e modifico in "yes" la varia=
START_SMB"  nella mia nn ce la voce start_smb, mi sembra che mi mandi ad=20
altre dir per eventuali cambiamenti, le dir la indicate le ho scrutate tu=
ma la voce START_SMB=3D"" nn ce'.....ti allego il mio file /etc/rc.config=
faccio prima vaa....
# /etc/rc.config
# Copyright (c) 1996-2002 SuSE Linux AG Nuernberg, Germany.
# All rights reserved.
# Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>, 1996
#         Burchard Steinbild <feedback@suse.de>, 1996
# Configuration database for shell scripts in /etc/init.d, /sbin/SuSEconf=
# and /etc/cron.daily/aaa_base*
# Please edit this file and execute /sbin/SuSEconfig to configure everyth=

# Attention! This variable PATH is NOT setting the PATH for user or root
# shells. It is only used internally for /etc/init.d/*, SuSEconfig and
# cron.daily. Please do NOT change PATH here.

## Formatting the boot script messages, see /etc/rc.status.
## Source /etc/rc.status if rc_done isn't defined
test "$rc_done"=3D =3D =3D -a -e /etc/rc.status && . /etc/rc.status

ciao e graziee Gigi