[CB-lug] connessione ad internet con modem usb

Klaudio3 klaudiomi@yahoo.it
Lun 7 Maggio 2007 18:58:00 CEST

Ok,ho visto un pò di cose e ci sono state sorprese positive ed altre 
Stampante,scanner e hard disk esterno sono tutti stati riconosciuti e 
non ci sono problemi.
Per la connessione adsl con modem usb invece non sono sicuro della 
cosa:in ogni caso non ho capito dove dovrei andar a mettere username e 
password del provider.
Ho trovato una guida che ti copio dopo, ma mi sono fermato al punto  
SECRET perchè non ho capito bene cosa devo fare o meglio li dice che 
devo creare quei due file pap-secrets e chap-secrets ma io nella 
directory   /etc/ppp  ho visto che ci sono già due file così chiamati e 
però non posso aprirli (per lo meno non se vado col mouse a cliccare sul 
documento nella cartella) quindi non volendo far danni mi sono fermato.
E' chiaro che se non posso collegarmi ad internet non posso nemmeno 
utilizzare quella opzione che tu mi hai detto(automatic giusto?) per 
aggiornare:infatti altri problemi li ho avuti nell'aprire file musicali 
o filmati in quanto i codec non ci sono.
Poi il bluetooth non sono proprio riuscito a capire dove attivarlo e 
come,ma forse è qualche pacchetto da scaricare anche esso da internet?
Ed infine in un forum di ubuntu ho letto che per il mio modello al 
momento i driver per far riconoscere la web cam non ci sono,che qualcuno 
sta tentando di ri crearli,ma la casa fornitrice non li aiuta(e te 
pareva che proprio al mio computer doveva succedere!!)
Va beh,per il momento credo sia tutto!!

ecco la guida:


This guide is for setting up a USB ADSL modem with the */SpeedTouch/* 
driver under Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft).

      The firmware

          About the firmware

The firmware is a small piece of code that gets loaded into the modem 
itself as a kind of OS for the modem. There are three revisions for the 
*/SpeedTouch/* and each revision runs its own firmware. To determine 
what revision you need, use the following command:

grep -B 1 "THOMSON" /proc/bus/usb/devices

After that you will see something like this: Rev= X.00 (where X is the 
version of your modem). If you have a 0 or 2 revision then you will have 
to use the KQD6_3.012 file from this archive 
and if the output of the command says you have a revision 4 modem then 
you will have to use the ZZZL_3.012 file from the same archive 
Download the zip file 
containing the firmware and save it in your home folder. Create a folder 
called "speedtouch" where you will do all the work and move the zip file 
containing the firmware files to it and unzip it.

mkdir speedtouch


mv SpeedTouch330_firmware_3012.zip speedtouch


cd speedtouch


unzip SpeedTouch330_firmware_3012.zip

Now we have the firmware files in our speedtouch working folder.

          Preparing the firmware

You now have the needed firmware - but that is not enough - the firmware 
file needs to be prepared and for this we will use a tool called 
firmware-extractor. The firmware-extractor splits the firmare file in 
two pieces so it vcan be loaded into the modem's memory. So download 
<http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/firmware/firmware-extractor> the 
firmware-extractor and move it to the fresh created working folder:

mv firmware-extractor speedtouch

Now we will split the firmware using the following commands depending on 
the modem revision:

cd speedtouch

chmod +x firmware-extractor

./firmware-extractor KQD6_3.012

if you have a 0 or 2 revision modem or:

cd speedtouch &&

chmod +x firmware-extractor &&

./firmware-extractor ZZZL_3.012

if you have a 4 revision modem. After that you will have two files in 
the speedtouch folder: speedtch-1.bin & speedtch-2.bin is just the 
firmware splited in two parts.

          Copying the firmware into the right place.

Now we will copy the firmware files to the right place for the firmware 
to be loaded at boot time. This command will do the work:

sudo cp speedtch* /lib/firmware/


We need to create a file called either pap-secrets or chap-secrets but 
since we don't know what authentication method our ISP is using we will 
just create a secrets file and copy it to /etc/ppp.So open a text editor 
and put a line like this (don't forget about the spaces in the ' * ')

'username' * 'password'


replace "username" and "password" with those provided by your ISP and 
save the file as secrets. Now we will copy it to /etc/ppp:

sudo install -m 600 secrets /etc/ppp/chap-secrets

sudo install -m 600 secrets /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

      PPP Over ATM

If your ISP uses PPP Over ATM (PPPoATM, PPPoA) then read this section. 
If it uses PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) then jump to the PPP Over Ethernet 
section. We now need to create a configuration file for pppd to use so 
open a text editor and paste the following into it:



user 'username'




plugin pppoatm.so



### You may need to uncomment these

### options to connect with some ISP's.

### They disable compression.


# noaccomp

# nobsdcomp

# nodeflate

# nopcomp

# noccp

# novj


### If the firmware loads and pppd won't

### connect uncomment this option to make

### pppd be more verbose in the system log


# debug


### For more details (and more options)

### Read man pppd

Replace 'username' with that provided by your ISP and also change 0.00 
with the VP/VC values and save the file as speedtch. Now copy it to 
/etc/ppp/peers :

sudo install -m 600 speedtch /etc/ppp/peers

        Make a Bootscript

Open a text editor and paste the following:


modprobe ppp_generic

modprobe pppoatm


while [ $count -lt 40 ]


  sync=$(dmesg | grep 'ADSL line is up')

  if [ ! -z "$sync" ]


    pppd call speedtch

    exit 0


  sleep 1



echo "The Speedtouch firmware didn't load"

Save the file as dial and then we will install it and make the needed 
symbolic links:

sudo install -m 744 dial /etc/init.d &&

sudo ln -s ../init.d/dial /etc/rc2.d/S95dial &&

sudo ln -sf ppp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

Now our bootscripts are in place so the connection will start at boot time.

      PPP Over Ethernet

If your ISP is using PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE) then things are a little 
bit more complicated because we need to create a bridging connection 
using br2684ctl bridging utility. Download br2684ctl from here 
<http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/mandrake/br2684ctl> and install it 
with this command:

sudo install -m 755 br2684ctl /usr/sbin

Now we also need a configuration file for pppd to use so we open a text 
editor and paste the following:



user 'username'




plugin rp-pppoe.so



### You may need to uncomment these

### options to connect with some ISP's.

### They disable compression.


# noaccomp

# nobsdcomp

# nodeflate

# nopcomp

# noccp

# novj


### If the firmware loads and pppd won't

### connect uncomment this option to make

### pppd be more verbose in the system log


# debug


### For more details (and more options)

### Read man pppd

replace 'username' with that provided by your ISP, save it as speedtch 
and copy it to /etc/ppp/peers:

sudo install -m 600 speedtch /etc/ppp/peers

        Make a Bootscript

Open a text editor and paste the following:


modprobe ppp_generic

modprobe pppoatm

modprobe br2684


while [ $count -lt 40 ]


  sync=$(dmesg | grep 'ADSL line is up')

  if [ ! -z "$sync" ]


    br2684ctl -b -c 0 -a VP.VC

    sleep 3

    ifconfig nas0 netmask up

    sleep 10

    pppd call speedtch

    exit 0


  sleep 1



echo "The Speedtouch firmware didn't load"

change the VP.VC values with those provided by your ISP ( in my case 
0.35 ) save the file as dial then install the bootcript and make the 
needed symbolic links:

sudo install -m 744 dial /etc/init.d &&

sudo ln -s ../init.d/dial /etc/rc2.d/S95dial &&

sudo ln -sf ppp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

Now everything is in place and the connection is set.


You now reboot and should be online.The Net is yours!

ps a me il modem è del tipo 4 quindi ho salvato sul desktop il file


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