Fwd: [Crm-sig] MIDAS Heritage consultation

Stefano Costa steko@iosa.it
Tue Jun 19 18:18:38 CEST 2007

Some of you might find this interesting:


----- Messaggio inoltrato da "LEE, Edmund" <Edmund.Lee@english-heritage.org.uk>
    Data: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 16:48:57 +0100
    Da: "LEE, Edmund" <Edmund.Lee@english-heritage.org.uk>
Rispondi-A: "LEE, Edmund" <Edmund.Lee@english-heritage.org.uk>
 Oggetto: [Crm-sig] MIDAS Heritage consultation
      A: crm-sig@ics.forth.gr

Dear CRM colleagues,

Those with an interest in the built or archaeological heritage may wish
to review the current version of the MIDAS Heritage data standard, which
is currently available for comment at
http://www.fish-forum.info/midaspr.htm until 29th June.

MIDAS Heritage has been informed by the development of the CIDOC CRM,
and the MIDAS XML schemas, party of the FISH Interoperability Toolkit
(see http://heritage-standards.org <http://heritage-standards.org/>  .

The formal connection between MIDAS and the CRM-SIG is Matthew Stiff,
and I believe (put me right if I've got this wrong Matthew!) that he
will be reviewing MIDAS Heritage specifically for  CRM conformance.

Some features of MIDAS Heritage that may be of interest:-

There has been a more rigorous grouping of units of information under
fairly self-contained Information Groups. Within each group there are
mandatory and optional units.

The Information groups are themselves gathered into themes which are
closely identifiable with the CRM e.g. Heritage Asset (= 'stuff' I
think); Events; Actors; Timespans etc.

There is more emphasis on the required and optional relationships
between these information groups. It feels more like topic maps and less
like relational databases.

Please pass any formal comment on MIDAS Heritage to
midas@english-heritage.org.uk  though I would welcome any informal
discussion on this list.

Best wishes

Edmund Lee

English Heritage

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----- Fine messaggio inoltrato -----

Stefano Costa
http://www.iosa.it * Software Libero per l'Archeologia
Jabber: steko@jabber.linux.it

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