[barcode] barcode on PCL printer

r.krebs@netlab.ch r.krebs@netlab.ch
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:01:36 +0200


I had a problem on some barcode readers to read labels printed with PCL
(Since I don't use postscript, I don't know if the same problem also exists
The reason was, that the width of the bars and white-spaces are rounded to
the next decipoint. This had the effect that a multiple-width bar was
sometimes one decipoint wider than expected.

The solution is to round the scaling-factor to 0.1:

File pcl.c, line 117(?) after the '#endif'
scalef = ((double)((int)(scalef * 10 + 0.5))) / 10;

Best regards
Roland Krebs