Z(eljko Hrebak zeljko@clab.hr
Tue Jun 15 12:10:58 CEST 2004


> I downloaded program barcode and tryed to generate barcode on file. I 
> wrote in file 3850197106651 and then tried to encode this file nad 
> print on HP Laser Jet 690 but didn't work. The printer printed only 
> that numbers but not the black and white bars. What i did it wrong??  

i wrote this: barcode -P -n -i BARCODE -o BARCODEOUTPUT
a than i tried lp -d printer_name BARCODEOUTPUT
in file BARCODE where numbers 3850197106651

if a remove -P then me printer prints unknown device: pcl3

help please!!


Zeljko Hrebak
C LAB informaticki inzenjering d.o.o.
K. Zrinski 2/II
tel     040/310-112
tel/fax 040/311-463
mob     098/710-398
NOVA MAIL ADRESA zeljko@clab.hr

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