[barcode] More than one page of barcodes?

Franz Zahaurek fzk@member.fsf.org
Thu Sep 2 20:42:39 CEST 2004

urke_kg@verat.net writes:

> Hello barcoders!
> I need help/answer/whatewer :)
> I need to generade bunch of barcodes on A4 papper format in matrix 4x9 per
> page, on multiple pages. I put codes which I wish to get in matrix to
> file, one per line. There I will have more than 100 codes. Now, I call
> barcode with:
> $ barcode -i outfile.ps -t 4x9 -m 19x35 -g 105x37 -p A4 -e ean13 -o codes.txt
> But, instead of multipage PostScript, I get only one page with first 36
> barcodes. Rest of codes was not generated.
> I need automated generation of barcodes for printing on labels. All work I
> do in Perl and PostScript, except more than one page of generated
> barcodes.
> What I can do? Can GNU Barcode generate more than one page or not?

Yes it can do.  See the following testcase:

========================= 8< ==========================
#! /bin/bash

seq --format='%12.0f' 123456789012 123456789211 > codes.txt
wc -l codes.txt

barcode --version
barcode -i codes.txt -t 4x9 -m 19x35 -g 105x37 -e ean13 -o outfile.ps

grep '^%%Page:' outfile.ps
========================= 8< ==========================

If you run this script it should produce the following output:

200 codes.txt
barcode frontend (GNU barcode) 0.98
%%Page: 1 1
%%Page: 2 2
%%Page: 3 3
%%Page: 4 4
%%Page: 5 5
%%Page: 6 6

- Franz
Franz Zahaurek                          fzk@member.fsf.org
Vienna, Austria, Europe                 http://www.fzk.at

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