[bglug] progress bar per l'emerge di Gentoo
Mauro Arnoldi
Gio 4 Dic 2003 09:06:03 CET
Hash: SHA1
Nel bel mezzo del cammin in www.gentoo.org ho trovato una cosa veramente
carina, volevo condividerla con tutti gli emergisti del lug.
(spero non la conosciate già...)
In poche parole è una barra che indica lo stato della ricompilazione dei
pacchetti. Invece di vedere tutto l'output intraducibile (x me) di make, vi
vedere una comoda barra che dice lo stato di avanzamento della
ricompilazione.. Per me è geniale e la sto provando..
Commenti, sensazioni...?
Il link da cui scaricare la barra è
Vi posto l'articolo originale
The other night I decided to try to get a progress bar into emerge...and I had
some luck. It's not perfect, but if anybody wants it, its available here.
Untar it, put it in your $PORTDIR_OVERLAY directory, and emerge it (it's a
Just so there's no surprises, this is what the ebuild does. First, it's gets
a copy of the make-3.80 sources and applies a small patch I wrote to it, and
installs it as maketoo. Don't use program by itself, I've strip most of the
output from it and removed some error checking. It's intened to only be used
by portage, so I feel it's safe to assume the programs will make correctly.
The second part of this ebuild installs a script called "make" into
your /usr/lib/portage/bin/ directory. This is used to catch calls to make
from ebuilds. If this script isn't called directly from emake or ebuild.sh,
it will forward on to /usr/bin/make (ie. if it was invoked from a configure
The make script makes two calls to maketoo, the first to figure out how many
commands it will execute, and the second performs the actual building while
displaying the progress bar. The bar is mostly accurate, it's stopped at
exactly 100% on almost every ebuild I tried...a few stopped at 99%, another
went up to 101%. But even though its off by a little, I still find it useful.
One last thing, if for some reason it seems the new make script is screwing
you over, set the NOPROGRESS variable to yes. (and please let me know about
# NOPROGRESS="yes" emerge foo
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