[bglug] Pagina di linux@elearning / freelearning
Sat, 22 Feb 2003 09:13:51 +0100
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Also sprach Jimmi:
>KBS mi ha incuriosito e mi piacerebbe dare un'occhiata all'sgml. Ho
>sentito che menzionavi qualcosa per scrivere sgml in vim: mi potresti
>spiegare meglio?
Si tratta di una macro per vim; mettila nel tuo .vimrc e comincia a
scrivere ;)
Eccola qua, ciao.
< ---- CUT HERE ---- >
" " This is an initialisation file for vi. Put it in your home
" " directory and call it '.exrc'.
" " Or copy it in your .vimrc (or .gvimrc) if you use vim (or gvim).
" "
" " SGML - Editor
" " by | k | b | s |
" "
" " ab .... Abbreviations. (to be used in insert mode)
" "
" " if xy produces <XY>,
" " nxy produces </XY>
" "
" "
ab abs <abstract>
ab art <article>
ab au <author>
ab bf <bf>
ab chap <chapt>
ab cod <code>
ab dat <date>
ab des <descript>
ab doc <!doctype linuxdoc system>
ab em <em>
ab en <enum>
ab hd <heading>
ab itl <it>
ab itm <item>
ab itz <itemize>
ab lbl <label id="#">
ab nabs </abstract>
ab nart </article>
ab nau </author>
ab nbf </bf>
ab ncod </code>
ab ndes </descript>
ab nem </em>
ab nen </enum>
ab nit </it>
ab nitz </itemize>
ab nsf </sf>
ab nsl </sl>
ab nts </tscreen>
ab ntt </tt>
ab nver </verb>
ab p <p>
ab ref <ref id="#">
ab sec1 <sect1>
ab sec2 <sect2>
ab sec3 <sect3>
ab sec4 <sect4>
ab sec5 <sect5>
ab sec6 <sect6>
ab sec <sect>
ab sf <sf>
ab sl <sl>
ab tg <tag>
ab tit <title>
ab toc <toc>
ab ts <tscreen>
ab tt <tt>
ab ver <verb>
< ---- CUT HERE ---- >
- --
* k|b|s * mailto `echo ti.gulgb@sbk|'rev'`
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