[bglug] mdadm RAID

Mc mc@bglug.it
Ven 13 Gen 2006 16:40:20 CET

Alle 11:29, venerdì 13 gennaio 2006, Andrea ha scritto:
> Se non viene definito un server SMTP come può mdadm inviare un messaggio
> mail ?

Prova con questo 

E di default in gentoo 
Brief History Of Linux (#25)

By the mid-1990's the Linux community was burgeoning as countless geeks
fled Redmond monopolistic oppression, Armonk cluelessness, and Cupertino
click-and-drool reality distortion fields. By late 1991 there was an
informal Linux User Group in Finland, although its primary focus was Linux
advocacy, not drinking beer and telling Microsoft jokes as most do today. 
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