[bglug] cad per linux

Flavio Castelli flavio@castelli.name
Sab 12 Mar 2011 14:38:54 CET

2011/3/12 Alessandro Lorenzi <alessandro.lorenzi@gmail.com>:
> - usare uno dei  free/open source software  che non legge i files dwg

Non sono un esperto autocad, ma penso che sia possible gestire i file
dwg con il pinguino (certo, non ai livelli di autocad...).
Dalle FAQ di qcad:
QCAD can only load and save DXF files. Since DWG and DXF both
originated from the same manufacturer, there are very reliable
converters out there that allow you to convert DWG files into DXF
files and back without loss of data.
For Windows systems (and wine) there is a free utility called Teigha™
File Converter from the Open Design Alliance.
For Unix systems, there is also "dwg2dxf", which is part of the
lx-viewer project. Lx-viewer itself can also be used for a conversion
and is available for Windows systems.


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