Aiuto debianisti
Marco Bisetto
Lun 29 Set 2003 20:39:39 CEST
>>1Non riesco a collegarmi ad internet(pppd has died)Error 1.Ho provato
>>sia con kppp che con wvdial,ed entrambi non vogliono proprio
>>saperne.Iniziano a dialogare con il modem e dopo aver dato nome e
>>password si sconnettono.
>qui esiste il man(1) ;)
Ottima idea!
Uno stralcio di pppd(8):
The exit status of pppd is set to indicate whether any
error was detected, or the reason for the link being ter
minated. The values used are:
0 Pppd has detached, or otherwise the connection was
successfully established and terminated at the
peer's request.
1 An immediately fatal error of some kind occurred,
such as an essential system call failing, or run
ning out of virtual memory.
2 An error was detected in processing the options
Mi sembra che l'error status 1 suggerisca di verificare i log del
kernel. Ci sono tutti i moduli necessari al protocollo ppp?
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