[Tech] [SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>] LinuxPPC 2000 Update

Christopher R. Gabriel cgabriel@softwarelibero.org
Ven 29 Dic 2000 06:04:21 CET

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Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 00:00:09 -0500
Message-Id: <200012290500.AAA29746@delorie.com>
To: slashzot@delorie.com
From: SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>
Subject: LinuxPPC 2000 Update
Reply-To: slashzot@delorie.com

LinuxPPC 2000 Update

Ryan writes "[1]LinuxPPC 2000 Q4 includes the "first
graphical versions of the yaboot and miboot boot software"
and the installation CD-ROM is now "bootable on all PCI-based
Apple Power Macintosh computers, including the dual processor
G4, the G4 Cube, and the FireWire PowerBook" (previous
versions would only boot on older Macs)." They've got a
[2]press release up and everything.

[1] <REF:http://www.linuxppc.com/products/2000/>
[2] <REF:http://www.linuxppc.com/press/index.php3?archive=2kq4release>

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