[Tech] Fwd: autoproject 0.9

Christian Surchi csurchi@mclink.it
Sab 23 Set 2000 14:19:43 CEST

From: "James R. Van Zandt" <jrv@vanzandt.mv.com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: autoproject 0.9
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 19:39:50 GMT


I'm releasing a new version of autoproject.

Here are the recent entries in the changelog:

2000-09-20  James R. Van Zandt  <jrv@vanzandt.mv.com>

	* configure.in: version 0.9

	* lib/cli/all/none/program.texinfo, lib/cli/all/none/program.1:
	the long option --version corresponds to short option -V rather
	than -v, and long option --verbose corresponds to short option -v
	(thanks to Ulrik Haugen <qha@lysator.liu.se>)

	* lib/cli/c/none/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): `#NAME' should be
	`#NAME#' (thanks to Ulrik Haugen <qha@lysator.liu.se>)

2000-07-27  James R. Van Zandt  <jrv@vanzandt.mv.com>

	* autoproject.in (STDPARSERS): -L requires an argument when using

2000-07-25  James R. Van Zandt  <jrv@vanzandt.mv.com>

	* autoproject.1: document use of GNU getopt.

	* autoproject.in: help text is now a here document instead of a
	collection of echo statements.
	If GNU getopt is not detected, use getopts instead.

2000-07-08  James R. Van Zandt  <jrv@vanzandt.mv.com>

	* configure.in: version 0.8.2

	* lib/cli/c/none/program.c (usage): For all strings that wrap to a
	new line, end in "\n\" to satisfy xgettext (as reported by Rubens
	Ramos <rubens_ramos@yahoo.com>)

autoproject may be downloaded from here:

from README:

	autoproject - create a skeleton source package for a new program

autoproject interviews the user, then creates a source package for a
new program which follows the GNU programming standards.  The new
package uses autoconf to configure itself, and automake to create the
Makefile.  `make distcheck' succeeds.

The idea is that you execute autoproject just once when you start a
new project.  It will ask a few questions, then create a new directory
and populate it with standard files, customized for the new project.

The version number for the new program is initialized as 0.1.0, and is
set in configure.in.  It is available in C programs as the macro
VERSION, and in the Makefile as $(VERSION).

Optionally, the new package will use a command line parser generator.
Currently, autoproject supports two parser generators:
	clig by Harald Kirsch <kir@iitb.fhg.de> 
                (see http://wsd.iitb.fhg.de/~kir/clighome/)
	autogen by Bruce Korb <korbb@datadesign.com> 
		(see ftp://autogen.linuxbox.com/pub/)

		- Jim Van Zandt

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