[Tech] International Web Services/XML Conference & Expo -July 28-30, 2003, Toronto, Canada

Toronto Events torevent@toronto.net
Sab 29 Mar 2003 01:00:43 CET

International Web Services/XML Conference & Expo

July 28-30, 2003, Toronto, Canada

Web Services/XML are exciting leading edge technologies pioneered by technology giants such as Microsoft, IBM, SUN, and Oracle.
These technologies are revolutionizing the global information technology industry. It has become a MUST for IT staff of any company
to master and understand the state-of-the-art of the powerful and soon-to-be ubiquitous Web Services/XML technologies.

During the three days of July 28-30, 2003, over 10,000 Web services developers, technical analysts, marketing and sales
professionals, executives, as well as corporate financiers will come from every corner of the world to Toronto to attend
presentations given by over 200 international gurus, and visit booths of over 100 exhibiting companies who are global leaders in Web
Services/XML. This event will be the world's biggest and best event on the leading edge Web Services and XML technologies! Don't
miss it!

Visit our website for more information on the conference and to register to get big savings!

If you are not interested to receive any information about this or any of our other conferences, please click here. Thank you.

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