[Flug] (no subject)

Nomen Nescio nobody@dizum.com
Mar 18 Set 2001 23:20:29 CEST

Sourceforge chiude o per lo meno è in crisi nera?

Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 02:13:24 +0200
From: jaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>
To: discussioni@softwarelibero.it
Subject: Re: [Discussioni] Broadcast2000 (software di editing video GPL) ... "chiude" :(

riporto di seguito una mail significativa dall'open forum di
broadcast2000 che potrebbe chiarire qualcosa (e preoccupare qualcuno)

   SUBJECT: FTP site shut down / "Cash burn"

   Apparently the new "cash burn" technology VA Linux invented and we
   discussed a few weeks ago has turned into "sourceforget burn", which
   we also discussed.
   Sourceforget is shutting down the ftp server. This is undoubtedly
   only the beginning as we've cycled through at least 12 hosting
   providers since 1995, all of which did the same gradual service
   removal, eventually ending in total shutdown. See "snapshots vs.
   backups". Either way since sourceforget.net is the 12th free hosting
   provider to go under since Broadcast 1.0 we're probably going to let
   the ftp links die.
   The software should still be on one of their remaining services, the
   http server.
   It's not worth hacking away at if the other dozen shutdowns are any
   indication of where sourceforget is going.

jrml ..//korova.dyne.org
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