[Flug] ma e' ufficiale?

Marco A. Calamari marcoc1@dada.it
Gio 28 Nov 2002 19:54:07 CET

At 18.51 27/11/02 +0100, you wrote:
>Quoting "Marco A. Calamari" <marcoc1@dada.it>:
>> Una policy d'uso (quella standard di Mix) e' gia' "definita"
>>  nel senso che il remailer la fornisce a richiesta, come
>>  previsto.
>> E' ancora in inglese e non e' pubblicata anche a parte
>>  su una pagina web, ma non per questo siamo scoperti da
>>  questo punto di vista.
>> Tra l'altro mi piacerebbe discuterla per vedere se e' il caso
>>  di aggiungerci/toglierci qualcosa, ma vorrei farlo insieme
>>  agli altri interessati.
>> Postiamo qui gli interventi a riguardo ?
>Si. Io direi intanto di metterla a disposizione su qualche
>pagina, in modo che si possa dargli un occhiata.
>Per la traduzione ovviamente si accettano volontari.. nei
>limiti del possibile (ovvero tempo permettendo) posso anche
>incominciare io, ma prima, come dici giustamente, e' meglio
>vedere se c'e' qualcosa da modificare o ritoccare.

Le voila'...


1) la parte di abuse policy della risposta alla richiesta
 generica di help

2) la risposta che si ottiene se si chiede di bloccare
 il proprio indirizzo in modo da non ricevere piu'
 posta dal remailer

Abuse Policy:

Unfortunately, there will always be a very small percentage of
individuals that choose to abuse the anonymity that this and similar
systems worldwide afford to send otherwise unwelcome email. The
Tarapia Tapioco does not condone such messages, or their content,
in any way.

Just as the Post Office is unable to prevent abuse of the mail system as
long as there are public mailboxes into which a person can drop a letter
without including a return address, the Tarapia Tapioco cannot preemptively
prevent irresponsible individuals from using this system to send
inappropriate messages. However, unlike the Post Office, this remailer
enables you to assure that you will not be inconvenienced by users of
this remailer in the future.

To block the users of this remailer from sending email to your address,
please send a message to <mixmaster@firenze.linux.it>
containing the line


anywhere in the body text of the email.  You can simply reply to this
message using your email program and send back this entire message for
your current email address to be permanently blocked from users of the
Tarapia Tapioco.

For additional information on this remailer's abuse policy, instructions
on how to block more than one email address, and to reach the
Tarapia Tapioco operator, please send
email to <abuse@ntani.firenze.linux.it>.
Thank you for your interest in secure and private communications,

-- The Tarapia Tapioco Administrator


Thank you for contacting the Abuse Complaint Administrator
of the Tarapia Tapioco.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that you may have
experienced as a result of inappropriate use of this system by a
particular individual.

The purpose of this anonymous remailer is to permit individuals
including crime victims, domestic violence victims, persons in recovery,
and others, such as those living under oppressive regimes, to
communicate confidentially in a manner that ensures their privacy under
even the most adverse conditions. Unfortunately, there will always be a
very small percentage of individuals that choose to abuse the anonymity
that this and similar systems worldwide afford to insult, harass, or
send otherwise unwelcome email.

The operator of this remailer does not condone such messages, or their
content, in any way.  

Just as the Post Office is unable to prevent abuse of the mail system as
long as there are public mailboxes into which a person can drop a letter
without including a return address, this remailer cannot preemptively
prevent irresponsible individuals from using this system to send
inappropriate messages. However, unlike the Post Office, this remailer
enables you to assure that you will not be inconvenienced by users of
this remailer in the future.

How to block your email address from receiving email from the 
Tarapia Tapioco:

To block the users of this remailer from sending email to your address,
please send a message to <mixmaster@firenze.linux.it>
containing the line


anywhere in the body text of the email.  You can simply reply to this
message using your email program and send back this entire message for
your current email address to be permanently blocked from users of the
Tarapia Tapioco.

If you wish to block additional email addresses that you may use from
receiving email though this remailer, please reply to this email with a
line similar to

DESTINATION-BLOCK my_other_email_address@my_domain.com

You must include one such line per email address that you wish to block.
You can include more than one line in your reply.

How to block an entire domain from receiving email from the 
Tarapia Tapioco:

If you are the legitimate root administrator or postmaster of a domain,
you may request that all email addresses served by you domain are
blocked from receiving email from this remailer . To place this block,
please send the following line as "root" or "postmaster" to
<mixmaster@firenze.linux.it> in the body text of your email:

DESTINATION-BLOCK @domain_to_be_blocked.com

Note that there are similar remailer systems in operation on the
Internet that not affiliated with the Tarapia Tapioco.

Since the administrator of this remailer has no influence on those other
systems and is likely to be unaware of many of these other systems, a
destination block that you may choose to request by replying to this
email is only effective for the Tarapia Tapioco,
not for similar systems that may exist on the Internet.

Many, but not all, remailers subscribe to the Remailer Abuse Block list
(RAB). You can block your email address from receiving email from all
remailers subscribed to this block list by visiting


Should you receive unwanted email from other remailers after requesting
to be place on the RAB, please contact the abuse administrator for the
respective remailer.

How to obtain the name of the sender of an email that you received
though this remailer:

This remailer uses the Mixmaster anonymous remailer software. The
Mixmaster software has been carefully designed to withstand attack by
even the most severe regimes in which torture is a common means of
inquiry and basic human rights are nonexistent.  As such, it is
impossible to determine the original sender of an email that has passed
through this system.

The administrator of this system is technically unable to determine the
original sender of a message that has passed through this remailer, no
matter how much the administrator may desire to do so, even if the
administrator were ordered to do so by legal or extra-legal means. We
regret any inconvenience this necessary safety protection may cause to
some recipients of undesired emails.

Remember: you can prevent future unwanted emails sent to you via this
remailer by simply replying to this message.


- -- The Tarapia Tapioco Administrator

+     il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco        +
*     the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit        *
*   Marco A. Calamari    marcoc@dada.it     www.marcoc.it  *
*     PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698       *
+ DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B +

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