[Flug] Re: FreeSoftware per db e mdb
Marco Bertini
Lun 9 Maggio 2005 15:13:55 CEST
flug-request@firenze.linux.it wrote:
>>scusate la domanda banale. conoscete qualche progetto tipo OpenOffice
>>che abbia funzionalitą come come Access e piena compatibilitą con i
>>file mdb?
Knoda: http://www.knoda.org/
With its latest release knoda introduces a driver for MS Access
databases (mdb files). Knoda is the first KDE based database frontend
reading MS Access databases natively and so it is getting closer to its
goal to be a full replacement for MS Access.
Forse anche: http://www.kexi-project.org/about.html
| Ing. Marco Bertini - http://viplab.dsi.unifi.it/~bertini
| Dipartimento Sistemi & Informatica
| Universita' di Firenze - Ingegneria elettronica
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