[Flug] [Fwd: errore di googleearth]

Tommaso Visconti t.visconti@cantierecreativo.fi.it
Ven 22 Set 2006 16:27:53 CEST

Inoltro una mail di aiuto che mi è stata inviata da un amico, rimango
agghiaccato dalla mail di risposta automatica di Google che accusa un
download di free software di essere la possibile causa del non
funzionamento del software (e della possibile installazione di
"malicious software").

Riporto quassù per semplicità:
> Finally, if you've recently downloaded free software, it's possible that
> malicious software, commonly referred to as "adware," was bundled with
> this download and installed without your knowledge. You can visit
> http://www.doxdesk.com/parasite to review information about a number of
> known parasitic software programs, including suggestions on how to remove
> them.

-------- Messaggio Originale  --------

Ho scaricato la versione per linux di google Earth. Provo ad eseguirlo e
mi dice questo.

~$ . Desktop/GoogleEarthLinux.bin
Verifying archive integrity...head: cannot open `bash' for reading: No
such file or directory
Error in MD5 checksums: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is different
from 34075e0220246d8971fafff263733354

Oltretutto uscendomi dalla bash...
Allora riscarico il tutto: stesso errore.
Che si siano scordati di aggiornare il controllo sul cecksum, provo a
cambiarlo a mano e mi dice questo.

~$ . Desktop/GoogleEarthLinux.bin
Verifying archive integrity...head: cannot open `bash' for reading: No
such file or directory
 All good.
head: cannot open `bash' for reading: No such file or directory
Uncompressing Google Earth for GNU/Linux 4.0.2091
bzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly;
        perhaps it is corrupted?  *Possible* reason follows.
bzip2: Invalid argument
        Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)

It is possible that the compressed file(s) have become corrupted.
You can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files.

You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.

bash: ./setup.sh: No such file or directory

Quindi è effettivamente il tar corrotto. A questo punto segnalo il
problema e questa è la risposta automatica di earth.support@google.com

Thank you for using Google Earth. While we're unable to personally respond
to each individual email we receive, we really appreciate your feedback
and will use it to improve Google Earth and our Support Center.

If you are attempting to upgrade or install Google Earth, you may receive
an error code containing the terms -5003, -5009, -6002, or -6009 during
the installation process. Or, you may find that the program isn't
launching when you click on the Google Earth icon. This is usually due to
an older version of the installation software on your machine.

To successfully complete the installation process, please follow the steps

1) Open the folder located at C:\Program Files\Common Files.
2) Locate a folder called Installshield.
3) Right click on the folder and click the option "Rename".
4) Rename the folder to something like "Installshield_OLD".
5) Close the folder and try to re-run the installer.

If the problem persists, a personal firewall program, aggressive
anti-virus software, or adware may be preventing Google Earth from freely
accessing the internet via TCP/IP (port 80). Please check your
router/firewall settings to set GoogleEarth.exe as an exception.

Tips regarding other common problems our customers have reported appear

- Please make sure that Internet Explorer doesn't have a check next to
"Work Offline" located in the "File" menu. If this is checked, please
select this option to uncheck this feature as Google Earth uses some
settings from Internet Explorer to work successfully.

- If you use McAfee software, try turning off the firewall or configuring
it separately from the virus protection.

- If you use Norton software, check that you have only one "permit" rule
set for Google Earth. Norton software allows opposing "permit" and "block"
rules to be set for the same application. Doing so results in a "block" of
that application.

- Software that blocks popups can interfere with Google Earth. Try
disabling this software before launching Google Earth.

Finally, if you've recently downloaded free software, it's possible that
malicious software, commonly referred to as "adware," was bundled with
this download and installed without your knowledge. You can visit
http://www.doxdesk.com/parasite to review information about a number of
known parasitic software programs, including suggestions on how to remove

We have no relationship with the organizations that created these programs
and cannot vouch for them ourselves. However, we have heard reports from
Google users that these programs successfully removed problematic software
from their computers.

Our Support Center homepage is located at http://earth.google.com/support

You can also find user-provided solutions in the Google Earth Community at

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