
Simone Stanzani folug@lists.linux.it
Sat, 18 May 2002 20:35:15 +0200

Sto cercando di installare qmail-qfilter ma non riesco a capire come
metterlo su

Chi mi puņ spiegare come installarlo (devo poi implementarci sopra

Queste poche righe mi sono oscure chi ha la cortesia di spiegarmele?

How to install:

- Check the definitions at the top of qmail-qfilter.c, especially the
  value of TMPDIR.  This should be set to a temporary directory that
  only the executor of qmail-qfilter has write access to.
- Check the Makefile for appropriate values for your compiler and
  linker, and installation paths.
- Run "make"

How to use, with the QMAILQUEUE patch applied to qmail:

- Create a script containing an invocation of qmail-qfilter.  For
  example, a script that uses qmail-inject as a front end to qmail-queue

  would contain:
       exec /path/to/qmail-qfilter /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -n

- Set the environment variable QMAILQUEUE to the location of this
  script.  For example, in a SMTP rules files, put:

  and rebuild the SMTP CDB file.
- You're all set!  In our example, all messages sent from the IP A.B.C.D

  will have their content filtered through qmail-inject, which will add
  missing "From:", "Date:", and "Message-Id:" headers.

Quale dei 2 modi mi consigliate (pregi e difetti dell'uno e dell'altro

How to use, without the QMAILQUEUE patch:
- Change the definition of QMAIL_QUEUE in qmail-qfilter.c to a different

  value, either by editing the source file or by modifying the DEFINES
  line in the Makefile to read:
(COSA SIGNIFICA devo modificare il Makefile o qmail-queue.c o tutti e 2
? )
- Compile qmail-qfilter.
- Rename qmail-queue to the new filename specified above.
- Create a script to replace qmail-queue that contains an invocation of
  qmail-qfilter, as described in the previous example.
- You're all set!  All mail entering the queue will be filtered by your

Come posso fare del debug ?

            Simone ;-)))