[FoLUG] Fwd: cupsssss
Enrico Pasini
Lun 8 Mar 2004 15:35:14 CET
Si, il file di configurazione č quello!!!
Io ho pensato il problema riguardi il supporto alle applet java e a javascript
del browser, puč essere?
Alle 21:20, venerdė 5 marzo 2004, Marco Massari Calderone ha scritto:
> nel file di configurazione cupsd.conf
> devi avere le seguenti righe:
> ##################
> <Location /admin>
> #
> # You definitely will want to limit access to the administration
> functions.
> # The default configuration requires a local connection from a user who
> # is a member of the system group to do any admin tasks. You can change
> # the group name using the SystemGroup directive.
> #
> <Location />
> Order Deny,Allow
> Deny From All
> Allow From
> </Location>
> <Location /Admin>
> AuthType Basic
> AuthClass System
> Order Deny,Allow
> Deny From All
> Allow From
> </Location>
> ###############
Enrico Pasini
ICQ #333430401
#339080 @ http://counter.li.org
(@_ # UNIX is user-friendly.. # _@)
//\ # it's just selective # /\\
V_/_ # about its friends! # _\_V
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