[FoLUG] Nuovo Imac

samuele enlargeyourlinux@yahoo.it
Mer 1 Set 2004 11:30:06 CEST

Paolo Palmieri wrote:

> Antivirus? Antispyware???
> Perchè scusa? Linux non ne ha bisogno ne su x86 ne su mac... :D

Il confronto era x86+<noto-sistema> mac+osx. Il nostro amato pinguino è 
un caso a parte. Se dovessi comprare un mac lo userei con osx.

If something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a 
duck, what is it?
The answer, of course, depends on whether or not the name `duck' is a 
If it is, then the closest that something can get, without permission of 
the owner of the trademark, is `duck-like'.

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