[gl-como] gpg

luca marletta lusar30@yahoo.it
Dom 13 Nov 2005 14:52:37 CET

Alle 02:17 del 13 Nov 2005, Raysiel ha scritto:
> sto usando gnome e kontact, ho installato kgpg ma non sono sicuro di come ho 
> impostato il tutto... 
> ad ogni modo l'id (se ho ben capito) dovrebbe essere 0xF26FB019
> la chiave pubblica potete trovarla su hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net

La chiave sul server c'è ma devi aver fatto un errore nel crearla,
leggi sotto cosa mi dice. In ogni modo non me la importa


======================================================================= #
Searching for "0xF26FB019" from hkp server pgp.surfnet.nl
(1)     Raysiel <raygl@hackerjournal.it>
          1024 bit DSA key F26FB019, created: 2005-11-13
Keys 1-1 of 1 for "0xF26FB019".  Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > 1
gpg: requesting key F26FB019 from hkp server pgp.surfnet.nl
gpg: key F26FB019 was created 1314 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)
gpg: key F26FB019 was created 1314 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)
gpg: key F26FB019 was created 1314 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)
gpg: key F26FB019 was created 1314 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)
gpg: key F26FB019: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:           w/o user IDs: 1

      _      _     _
   __| | ___| |__ (_) __ _ _ __      l u c a  m a r l e t t a |
  / _` |/ _ \ '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \     spite (at) swissinfo.org |
 | (_| |  __/ |_) | | (_| | | | |    jabber: lucaM@jabber.org |
  \__,_|\___|_.__/|_|\__,_|_| |_|      http://www.behavior.it |
 gpg --keyserver sks.keyserver.penguin.de --recv-key E502C3D6 |
-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        non disponibile
Tipo:        application/pgp-signature
Dimensione:  189 bytes
Descrizione: Digital signature
Url:         http://lists.linux.it/pipermail/gl-como/attachments/20051113/e092261b/attachment.pgp

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