[gl-como] [O.T] but not [O.T] Global Warming

Matteo Cavalleri theos@bp.lnf.it
Ven 4 Apr 2008 11:36:15 CEST

> cioe', se io (su win, eh) vado sulle propretà del risparmio energetico e 
> dico "spegni il monitor dopo 1 minuto", lui per mezz'ora continua a 
> consumare lo stesso? O è un dato preso dalle configurazioni standard?
> Altrimenti, perchè mezz'ora? :)

Of course, the ultimate energy saver is to power off your monitor, which
will produce complete and immediate savings.  Although screen savers and
Energy Star produce automatic reductions, it takes time for the lowest
level to be reached.  If you go to a half-hour meeting, there will be no
savings for the first five minutes, 20% savings for the next five
minutes, 90% savings for the next ten minutes, and 95% savings for the
last ten minutes. 

ok, questo dipende da come imposti il PC ma sembra che la specifica
energy star sia comunque progressiva e non arrivi (ovviamente) mail al
100% del risparmio:

Energy Star saves 65% of the monitor's power during the half hour.
Powering off saves 100%.  So if you know you will be away from your desk
for a period, turn off your monitor.  When you come back, turn it on
again (and remember that it's asleep, so push your mouse!), and it will
wake up in 10 seconds.  

Per quanto riguarda le stampanti:

Note that some components, such as your printer, can use a lot of power
when they are turned on, so only turn off these machines for extended
periods.  Your printer should be powered off only if it will be idle for
more than an hour.

fonte: http://www.microtech.doe.gov/EnergyStar/info.htm#display

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