glug: RH Advanced Server...

Marco Masetti
Mar 17 Feb 2004 15:54:41 CET

Paolo Gaggini wrote:

> Marco Masetti wrote:
>>> Io dovrei riceverne due copie mercoledė, ma la licenza permette la
>>> copia?
>> Se ti riferisci al prodotto licenziato direi proprio di no, essendo 
>> anche relativamente costoso.
> Non conosco la distro ma il prodotto "licenziato" č comunque sotto 
> licenza GPL. Con la differenza rispetto a Fedora che ha supporto 
> telefonico, web, garanzie, certificazioni, ecc ecc ecc (a pagamento).
> Quindi i CD si possono copiare, a meno che non contengano software 
> commerciale non ridistribuibile. 

E' GPL la maggior parte dei sorgenti, ma non e' liberamente scaricabile 
(e quindi installabile) il binario di RH Enterprise Linux (vedi dopo...).
Gia' con RH Professional 7.3 avevo con disappunto notato che i sorgenti 
del kernel 2.4.18-3 della mia distribuzione non corrispondevano al
kernel effettivamente installato...

> Peraltro, sul sito redhat i prezzi non fanno distinzione "a macchina" 
> nč     "a CPU" confermando il fatto che poi il sistema operativo in sč 
> sia installabile su pių macchine (=copiabile).
> O sbaglio? 

Fosse cosi' sarebbe bello, in realta' (estratto dalle FAQ di

*Q: How are the Red Hat Enterprise Linux products delivered, in terms of 
services and prices?*

    *A:* The basic delivery model for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 is
    unchanged from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1. Red Hat Enterprise
    Linux products are sold on an annual subscription basis. As
    mentioned above, under the terms of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    usage agreement, a subscription is required for every system on
    which Red Hat Enterprise Linux is installed. Subscriptions are fully
    inclusive, and include maintenance & updates (via Red Hat Network),
    version upgrades, and unlimited support incidents. Several price
    points are available based on the specific Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    product and the level of support required (12 x 5 support, 24 x 7
    support, etc); each version is supported for 5 years, subscription
    prices for subsequent years are the same as for year 1. For x86
    architecture systems, prices range from $179 for Basic support on
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS to $2,499 for Premium Support on Red Hat
    Enterprise Linux AS. Volume discounts are available.


*Q: You mentioned licensing - what does this mean? I thought Linux was 

    *A:* Except for a few components provided by third parties (for
    example, Java) all the code in Red Hat products is open source and
    licensed under the GPL (or a similar license, such as the LGPL). So
    you always have free access to the source code. In fact you can
    download it from our FTP servers at any time. However, Red Hat does
    not provide free access to the binaries of Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
    and these, combined with an annual subscription to Red Hat Network,
    access to upgrades, and a selected support services, are the
    components that Red Hat bundles into each Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    solution. Since every Red Hat Enterprise Linux product includes
    support for the system on which it is installed, Red Hat supplies
    the products with a per-system usage/support subscription. This
    simple model ensures that systems which useRed Hat Enterprise Linux
    are able to access the maintenance, services and product upgrades to
    which they are entitled. Of course, as mentioned before, this has no
    impact on your access to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code.

Immagino pero' che le distro che hanno distribuito assieme alla loro 
rivista non siano assogettate alla regola e quindi possano essere 
installate senza una effettiva sottoscrizione (peraltro sono tutte beta 
date in prova => c'e' poco da fidarsi). In realta' a me serve solo per 
provare ad installare Oracle 10
che e' gia' uscito per Linux ma _solo_ per releases Enterprise (ho 
provato ad installarlo sotto RH 7.3 ma mi ha fatto una pernacchia....)


Marco Masetti

Softeco Sismat s.p.a.
Via de Marini, 1 - WTC
16147 Genova

tel: +39 010 6026 333
fax: +39 010 6026 350


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