Mrs.Jewel Taylor
Sab 10 Gen 2004 23:36:26 CET

Our Desire!

Of course, we have obviously not met and as such you may ponder where you have met or know me. Don't bother! I am writing this email to you based on my belief that business is people and contacts - my husband's philosophy. 
I am writing you from Abuja the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria where we are presently located. We arrived here in Abuja on the 11th of August, 2003 following the offer of a Political asylum to my husband (embattled former President of Liberia, Charles Taylor) by the Nigerian Government.

Presently, my husband is in Calabar in the South Eastern part of Nigeria while I am here in an undisclosed location for security reason. I am here to liaise with the New Home Interim Government, now lead by Moses Blar and the international community especially the West African Sub-regional Governments for the security of our family treasures brought to this location through an underground diplomatic channel and also negotiate with them to assist in protecting my husband's scattered and battered investment due to the hurried way and manner that characterized my husband's exit from office and coupled with the effect of the on going civil war in Liberia, the activities of the rebels and the continuous seizure of my husband's assets in the Western world especially in Swiss bank where over USD$450m bank investments has been confiscated. 

Based on our present predicament, we have decided to redirect part of my family treasures brought to this location for a profitable investment overseas. These treasures are in "Five Diplomatic Chests" sealed and tightly secure with diplomatic status. The chests were brought to this location through an underground diplomatic channel and can also be delivered to any part of the world under the same status. It is our desire to have you (if willing and capable) receive these five chests on behalf of this family for profitable investment. Once your credibility is proven and agreement reached, we would embark on the shipment immediately without delays. I need your commitment and courage to actualize this project and without doubt, you will be well rewarded for your partnership. 

If you are capable and guarantee adequate security of shipment if enstrusted on your care, please reply urgently with your resume information and retainer fees for the solicited services as desired by you for our consideration and prompt action. Otherwise, simply delete this privileged information from your computer!

Furthermore, the legal contracts, non-disclosure agreement documents, and partnership agreements shall be drafted in association with this project by our family attorney only when we are assured and convinced of your credibility and adequate security of this project under your absolute control. Thereafter, arrangement would be expedited to move the five chests over to you for further action to be taken by your good self for the benefit of our both families. 
I thank you and look forward to a successful business relationship with you. I am confident, we will both benefit from the hard work you are now engaged in. I trust that you will enjoy and benefit from this opportunity to work with us.

I thank you for your time.

Warmest Regards,
For and on behalf of my family.

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