glug: Fwd:Flash: Mandriva Linux Limited Edition 2005 is available!

Angelo & Grazia
Gio 14 Apr 2005 12:47:25 CEST

malgrado gli scherzi sul nome nuovo (lo so che molti
di voi stanno ancora ridendo....) la nuova release e`


Flash Newsletter: Mandriva Linux Limited Edition 2005 is available!

Following the recent new roadmap announcement, Mandriva (pronounced
"Man-dree-vah"!) Linux Limited Edition 2005 is a transitional release
between 10.1 Official and 2006 Official which will be released by the
end of this year.

Limited Edition 2005 is the ideal product for Linux users who need the
most up-to-date and exciting features at the earliest opportunity,
without sacrificing stability and performance.
Mandriva Linux Limited Edition 2005 is immediately available for all
Club members and contributors and provides:

 - Linux kernel
 - KDE 3.3.2 (with some backports from version 3.4, including kpdf)
 - GNOME 2.8.3
 - Firefox 1.0.2
 - GCC 3.4.3
 - The GIMP 2.2
 - Cdrecord 2.01.01a21 (with DVD+R dual-layer support)
 - 1.1.4
 - MySQL 4.1.11
 - and many others!

Limited Edition 2005 is built to increase amd optimize performance: it
has been designed with x86-64 technology in mind and has support for
dual-core technology, allowing the use of the most powerful
applications on advanced new processors.

Special optimizations also enhance the overall speed delivered by the
system. For instance, KDE is 10% faster, thanks to special tuning by

Limited Edition 2005 also provides better support for removable
devices such as digital cameras, CD-ROM drives and USB keys through
immediate detection of devices as they are plugged in, and by allowing
you to boot the installation from a USB key. Additionally, this
release offers full support for Adaptec Host RAID controllers (RAID,
SCSI, SATA) and extended recognition for the most recent flat screen
monitors, including widescreen resolutions. Additionally, the support
of the XBox console will certainly appeal to gamers and enthusiasts!

Also available is DKMS which allows kernel modules to be
dynamically built for each kernel on your system in a simplified and
organized fashion.

Mandriva Club members and Mandriva's contributors have immediate
access to LE 2005 through Bittorrent or HTTP download! If you are not
yet a Mandriva Club Member, subscribe now:

Limited Edition 2005 is also available for preorder as a DVD set at
the price of 65 USD (59 euros). Preorder your DVD at:

Discover all the features of Limited Edition 2005 at:

A free download version of Limited Edition 2005 will be made publicly
available at a later date.

        Mandriva Online Team.

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