glug: aiuto per C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (midi e scheda sonora)

Gio 4 Ago 2005 23:30:25 CEST

Carissimi amici/che,

ho una scheda sonora C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 ,dovrebbe (a quanto ho capito dal manualetto della configurazione del pc) esserci anche  un disp.MIDI MPU401 uart (ma su windows i midi funzionano con un simulatore software ).
Potete darmi una mano in questa onda anomala di c...a ??:-D

Ciao Luigi

vi scrivo qui sotto che cosa ho fatto e i dettagli.

Sistema operativo: Slackware Linux 10.0
kernel 2.4.26
pacchetti slackware di alsa installati:


presente anche esd (The Enlightened Sound Daemon) e Open sound  e jack (che non funziona:l'ho installato con  Rosegarden sempre muta anche lei anche se crea --nell'utility di configurazione KDE per il sistema sonoro-- la formazione di un device per il midi assolutamente MUTO come al solito :-D e che poi scompare quando chiudo Rosegarden e riavvio il server sonoro .
jack mi dice di cercare delle librerie  e ci sono queste :**
cercando di caricare i driver alsa con jackd mi dà:
jackd -d alsa
could not open driver directory /usr/lib/jack: No such file or directory

jackd: no drivers found; exiting
MA QUESTI DRIVER DOVE SONO?? la directory "/usr/lib/jack" non esiste tutte le librerie di jack sono in /usr/lib )

il mio lspci:

00:00.0 Host bridge: ALi Corporation M1621 (rev 04)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: ALi Corporation PCI to AGP Controller (rev 01)
00:02.0 USB Controller: ALi Corporation USB 1.1 Controller (rev 03)
00:07.0 ISA bridge: ALi Corporation M1533 PCI to ISA Bridge [Aladdin IV]
(rev c3)
00:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10)
00:0c.1 Communication controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10)
00:0e.0 Ethernet controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS900 PCI
Fast Ethernet (rev 02)
00:0f.0 IDE interface: ALi Corporation M5229 IDE (rev c2)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV5 [Aladdin TNT2]
(rev 20)

il mio lsdev:

Device            DMA   IRQ  I/O Ports
ALi                          ffa0-ffaf
C-Media                      d800-d8ff dc00-dc3f
cascade             4     2
CMI8738                   9    d800-d8ff
dma                          0080-008f
dma1                         0000-001f
dma2                         00c0-00df
eth0                      5
fpu                          00f0-00ff
ide0                     14  01f0-01f7 03f6-03f6   ffa0-ffa7
ide1                     15  0170-0177 0376-0376   ffa8-ffaf
keyboard                  1  0060-006f
parport0                     0378-037a 037b-037f
PCI                          0cf8-0cff b000-bfff
pic1                         0020-003f
pic2                         00a0-00bf
rtc                       8  0070-007f
serial                    4  03f8-03ff
Silicon                      d400-d4ff
sis900                         d400-d4ff
timer                     0  0040-005f
usb-ohci                 10
vesafb                       03c0-03df

per prima cosa ho configurato il modem installando i driver
(esclusivamente per il kernel 2.4 purtroppo:-( visto che quelli per il 2.6 non fungono ):tutto ok ma il suono del modem non si sente.
Avevo visto in giro che davano dei grossi problemi questi tipi di modem
integrati con la scheda sonora:picchiavano sulla stessa ammutulendola.
A me è successo che la scheda sonora funziona ma solo coi suono di  KDE e non ho ben capito i meccanismi e i dispositivi dove andare a picchiare (/dev/dsp mi dice che è "busy"
occupato ad un successivo
lsof "/dev/dsp" non mi indica processi impazziti)

*grande distorsione suono (metallico e rimbonba) quando da HD sento un file wav o ogg (quelli si sentono insieme ai suoni di KDE 3.2)

*Il cd è impossibile da sentire.

*i MIDI sono impossibili da sentire.

*il dispositivo /dev/sndstat esiste in /dev ma mi dà:
cat /dev/sndstat
cat: /dev/sndstat: No such device
(ho provato a dargli un chmod 755:senza risultato)

* amidi --list-devices mi risulta "nulla di nulla"

* amidi --list-rawmidis mi dà:

RawMIDI list:
hw {
        @args.0 CARD
        @args.1 DEV
        @args.2 SUBDEV
        @args.CARD {
                type string
                default {
                        @func getenv
                        vars {
                                0 ALSA_RAWMIDI_CARD
                                1 ALSA_CARD
                        default {
                                @func refer
                                name 'defaults.rawmidi.card'
        @args.DEV {
                type integer
                default {
                        @func igetenv
                        vars {
                                0 ALSA_RAWMIDI_DEVICE
                        default {
                                @func refer
                                name 'defaults.rawmidi.device'
        @args.SUBDEV {
                type integer
                default -1
        type hw
        card $CARD
        device $DEV
        subdevice $SUBDEV
default {
        type hw
        card {
                @func getenv
                vars {
                        0 ALSA_RAWMIDI_CARD
                        1 ALSA_CARD
                default {
                        @func refer
                        name 'defaults.rawmidi.card'
        device {
                @func igetenv
                vars {
                        0 ALSA_RAWMIDI_DEVICE
                default {
                        @func refer
                        name 'defaults.rawmidi.device'
virtual {
        @args.0 MERGE
        @args.MERGE {
                type string
                default 1
        type virtual
        merge $MERGE

i dispositivi MIDI in dev sono:


nella cartella /dev/snd esistono i seguenti dispositivi:

controlC0  hwC2D3    midiC1D2  midiC3D1  pcmC0D3p  pcmC1D3c  pcmC2D2p
controlC1  hwC3D0    midiC1D3  midiC3D2  pcmC0D4c  pcmC1D3p  pcmC2D3c
controlC2  hwC3D1    midiC1D4  midiC3D3  pcmC0D4p  pcmC1D4c  pcmC2D3p
controlC3  hwC3D2    midiC1D5  midiC3D4  pcmC0D5c  pcmC1D4p  pcmC2D4c
hwC0D0     hwC3D3    midiC1D6  midiC3D5  pcmC0D5p  pcmC1D5c  pcmC2D4p
hwC0D1     midiC0D0  midiC1D7  midiC3D6  pcmC0D6c  pcmC1D5p  pcmC2D5c
hwC0D2     midiC0D1  midiC2D0  midiC3D7  pcmC0D6p  pcmC1D6c  pcmC2D5p
hwC0D3     midiC0D2  midiC2D1  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D7c  pcmC1D6p  pcmC2D6c
hwC1D0     midiC0D3  midiC2D2  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D7p  pcmC1D7c  pcmC2D6p
hwC1D1     midiC0D4  midiC2D3  pcmC0D1   pcmC1D0c  pcmC1D7p  pcmC2D7c
hwC1D2     midiC0D5  midiC2D4  pcmC0D1c  pcmC1D0p  pcmC2D0c  pcmC2D7p
hwC1D3     midiC0D6  midiC2D5  pcmC0D1p  pcmC1D1c  pcmC2D0p  pcmC3D0c
hwC2D0     midiC0D7  midiC2D6  pcmC0D2c  pcmC1D1p  pcmC2D1c  pcmC3D0p  seq
hwC2D1     midiC1D0  midiC2D7  pcmC0D2p  pcmC1D2c  pcmC2D1p  pcmC3D1c  timer
hwC2D2     midiC1D1  midiC3D0  pcmC0D3c  pcmC1D2p  pcmC2D2c  pcmC3D1p

all'avvio dell'utility di KDE per configurare il sistema sonoro non è presente nessun  dispositivo midi da poter scegliere (avendo caricato questi moduli: 

Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
apm                     9580   1
snd-pcm-oss            37736   0  (unused)
snd-mixer-oss          12504   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
parport_pc             14788   1  (autoclean)
lp                      6724   1  (autoclean)
parport                23336   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
nfsd                   67376   8
usb-ohci               19240   0  (unused)
usbcore                59308   1  [usb-ohci]
snd-cmipci             16964   2
gameport                1420   0  [snd-cmipci]
snd-pcm                56072   2  [snd-pcm-oss snd-cmipci]
snd-page-alloc          6328   0  [snd-pcm]
snd-opl3-lib            5892   0  [snd-cmipci]
snd-hwdep               4804   0  [snd-opl3-lib]
snd-timer              13604   0  [snd-pcm snd-opl3-lib]
snd-mpu401-uart         3200   0  [snd-cmipci]
snd-rawmidi            12740   0  [snd-mpu401-uart]
snd-seq-device          3888   0  [snd-opl3-lib snd-rawmidi]
snd                    30852   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-cmipci
snd-pcm snd-opl3-lib snd-hwdep snd-timer snd-mpu401-uart snd-rawmidi
soundcore               3396   4  [snd]
sis900                 12396   1
crc32                   2880   0  [sis900]
pcmcia_core            39972   0
ide-scsi                9328   0
agpgart                43940   0  (unused)

il mio file /etc/asound.state :

state.CMI8738 {
	control.1 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Master Playback Volume'
		value.0 24
		value.1 24
	control.2 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name '3D Control - Switch'
		value true
	control.3 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'PCM Playback Volume'
		value.0 14
		value.1 21
	control.4 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'PCM Playback Switch'
		value true
	control.5 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'PCM Capture Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
	control.6 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Synth Playback Volume'
		value.0 13
		value.1 23
	control.7 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Synth Playback Switch'
		value true
	control.8 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Synth Capture Route'
		value.0 true
		value.1 false
		value.2 false
		value.3 true
	control.9 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'CD Playback Volume'
		value.0 20
		value.1 23
	control.10 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'CD Playback Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
	control.11 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'CD Capture Route'
		value.0 true
		value.1 false
		value.2 false
		value.3 true
	control.12 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Line Playback Volume'
		value.0 23
		value.1 23
	control.13 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Line Playback Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
	control.14 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Line Capture Route'
		value.0 true
		value.1 false
		value.2 false
		value.3 true
	control.15 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Playback Volume'
		value 20
	control.16 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Playback Switch'
		value true
	control.17 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Capture Switch'
		value true
	control.18 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 3'
		iface MIXER
		name 'PC Speaker Playback Volume'
		value 2
	control.19 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 15'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Aux Playback Volume'
		value.0 10
		value.1 10
	control.20 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Aux Playback Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
	control.21 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Aux Capture Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
	control.22 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Boost'
		value true
	control.23 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 7'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Capture Volume'
		value 5
	control.24 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Four Channel Mode'
		value true
	control.25 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Line-In As Rear'
		value true
	control.26 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Exchange DAC'
		value true
	control.27 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 Output Switch'
		value true
	control.28 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 In Valid'
		value true
	control.29 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 Copyright'
		value true
	control.30 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 5V'
		value true
	control.31 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 Loop'
		value true
	control.32 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 In Monitor'
		value true
	control.33 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type IEC958
		iface PCM
		device 2
		name 'IEC958 Playback Default'
		value '0082000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
	control.34 {
		comment.access read
		comment.type IEC958
		iface MIXER
		device 2
		name 'IEC958 Playback Con Mask'
		value ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	control.35 {
		comment.access 'read write inactive'
		comment.type IEC958
		iface PCM
		device 2
		name 'IEC958 Playback PCM Stream'
		value '0082000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
	control.36 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 Mix Analog'
		value true
	control.37 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 In Phase Inverse'
		value true
	control.38 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 In Select'
		value true
	control.39 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface CARD
		name Modem
		value false
state.CMI8738_1 {
	control.1 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Master Playback Volume'
		value.0 24
		value.1 24
	control.2 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name '3D Control - Switch'
		value true
	control.3 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'PCM Playback Volume'
		value.0 14
		value.1 21
	control.4 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'PCM Playback Switch'
		value true
	control.5 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'PCM Capture Switch'
		value.0 false
		value.1 false
	control.6 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Synth Playback Volume'
		value.0 13
		value.1 23
	control.7 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Synth Playback Switch'
		value true
	control.8 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Synth Capture Route'
		value.0 false
		value.1 false
		value.2 false
		value.3 false
	control.9 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'CD Playback Volume'
		value.0 18
		value.1 21
	control.10 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'CD Playback Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
	control.11 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'CD Capture Route'
		value.0 false
		value.1 false
		value.2 false
		value.3 false
	control.12 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Line Playback Volume'
		value.0 24
		value.1 24
	control.13 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Line Playback Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
	control.14 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Line Capture Route'
		value.0 false
		value.1 false
		value.2 false
		value.3 false
	control.15 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 31'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Playback Volume'
		value 19
	control.16 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Playback Switch'
		value true
	control.17 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Capture Switch'
		value false
	control.18 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 3'
		iface MIXER
		name 'PC Speaker Playback Volume'
		value 3
	control.19 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 15'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Aux Playback Volume'
		value.0 10
		value.1 10
	control.20 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Aux Playback Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
	control.21 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Aux Capture Switch'
		value.0 false
		value.1 false
	control.22 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Boost'
		value true
	control.23 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type INTEGER
		comment.range '0 - 7'
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Capture Volume'
		value 0
	control.24 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Four Channel Mode'
		value true
	control.25 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Line-In As Rear'
		value true
	control.26 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'Exchange DAC'
		value true
	control.27 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 Output Switch'
		value true
	control.28 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 In Valid'
		value true
	control.29 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 Copyright'
		value true
	control.30 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 5V'
		value true
	control.31 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 Loop'
		value true
	control.32 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 In Monitor'
		value true
	control.33 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type IEC958
		iface PCM
		device 2
		name 'IEC958 Playback Default'
		value '0082000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
	control.34 {
		comment.access read
		comment.type IEC958
		iface MIXER
		device 2
		name 'IEC958 Playback Con Mask'
		value ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	control.35 {
		comment.access 'read write inactive'
		comment.type IEC958
		iface PCM
		device 2
		name 'IEC958 Playback PCM Stream'
		value '0082000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
	control.36 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 Mix Analog'
		value true
	control.37 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 In Phase Inverse'
		value true
	control.38 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface MIXER
		name 'IEC958 In Select'
		value true
	control.39 {
		comment.access 'read write'
		comment.type BOOLEAN
		iface CARD
		name Modem
		value false

il mio file /etc/modules.conf:

# OSS/Free portion - card #2 (cmipci)

# --- BEGIN: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
# --- ALSACONF verion 1.0.5 ---
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
alias snd-card-0 snd-cmipci
alias sound-slot-0 snd-cmipci
# --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. -


seguendo l'howto presente su per configurare i midi ho fatto così

*ho installato il pacchetto awesfx-0.5.5d-i486-1mik.tgz
*scaricato dei soundfonts con estensione".SF2"
*ho tentato di caricarli su Linux con :
sfxload /path/nomesountfont.SF2==> "/dev/sequencer: No such device"
e anche:
asfxload /path/nomesountfont.SF2 ==>"No Emux synth hwdep device is found"



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