E' meglio apt-get o aptitude ???

Renzo Cavalli renzo.cavalli@tin.it
Ven 24 Feb 2006 11:30:02 CET

Andrea wrote:
> Ciao a tutti
> Mi piacerebbe capire la reale differenza di comportamento fra apt-get
> e aptitude ???



> Accettare questa soluzione? [Y/n/q/?] q
> Abbandonato ogni tentativo di risolvere queste dipendenze.

aptitude tien conto della differenza tra i pacchetti da te installati e
quelli installati per soddisfare dipendenze e quelli raccomandati.

/usr/share/doc/aptitude$ less README

 aptitude upgrade

 This command will upgrade as many packages as possible. If there are
 dependency problems, it will avoid upgrading packages (rather than, for
 instance, removing them).

  aptitude dist-upgrade

This command will also attempt to upgrade packages, but it is more
aggressive about solving dependency problems: it will install and remove
packages until all dependencies are satisfied. Because of the nature of
this command, it is possible that it will do undesirable things, and so
you should be careful when using it.

Renzo Cavalli  0xF9C31E07
via bertone 2 zoagli
dinanzi al Golfo Paradiso
renzo.cavalli@tin.it  renzo.cavalli@gmx.it

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