KDE4 : daghe 'n'altra spinta!

Valerio Fuoglio valerio.fuoglio@gmail.com
Mar 4 Dic 2007 09:10:25 CET

KDE 4 è stato posticipato di un altro mese. :(


----------  Messaggio inoltrato  ----------

Oggetto: Release Schedule Changes
Data: martedì 4 dicembre 2007
Da: Allen Winter <winter@kde.org>
A: kde-core-devel@kde.org, kde-devel@kde.org


Just in case you haven't heard...

We decided to delay the 4.0.0 tagging and release by 1 month
until early January 2008.  All the new dates are on the TechBase page [1].

Release Candidate 2 should be tagged sometime this week, probably Wed.
So a Tagging Freeze will be coming up soon -- I'll let you know.

Feature, Message and API Freezes remain in effect, with the usual rules.

-Allen, KDEPIM Release Dude


Valerio Fuoglio
<valerio.fuoglio@gmail.com> - http://www.valeriofuoglio.it
KDE Developer - KIPI Plugins - http://www.kipi-plugins.org
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