cambiare ordine avvio servizi al boot

Angelo Naselli
Ven 11 Set 2009 15:58:35 CEST

> > 11 � la priorit� di partenza (link S11mysql)
> > 90 di terminazione
> questo non e' corretto.
> S per start servizio K per kill servizio nei vari livelli in
> /etc/rcx.d con x da 0 a 6
> prima pero' parte /etc/rcS.d con lo stesso meccanismo dei sim link
dal man chkconfig:

For example, random.init has these three lines:
       # chkconfig: 2345 20 80
       # description: Saves and restores system entropy pool for \
       #              higher quality random number generation.
       This says that the random script should be started in levels 2, 3, 4, and  5,  that
       its  start  priority  should  be  20, and that its stop priority should be 80.  You
       should be able to figure out what the description says; the \ causes the line to be
       continued.  The extra space in front of the line is ignored.
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