[Golem] Licenze aperte "Presidenziali"
Dom 7 Dic 2008 16:52:20 CET
Alla fine ci tocca a invidiare gli statunitensi anche per i loro
presidenti (dopo i Bush non pensavo fosse possibile).
Il sito di Obama è sotto licenza Creative Commons!
"Copyright Notice - Creative Commons"
"Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Content includes all materials
posted by the Obama-Biden Transition project. Visitors to this website
agree to grant a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to the
rest of the world for their submissions to Change.gov under the Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0 License."
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Nome: signature.asc
Tipo: application/pgp-signature
Dimensione: 260 bytes
Descrizione: OpenPGP digital signature
URL: <http://lists.linux.it/pipermail/golem/attachments/20081207/1f01cf22/attachment.pgp>
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