[gpm]gpm-1.19.5 compile-time-err
Alessandro Rubini
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 12:51:40 +0200
> gpm-root.y:480:12: warning: extra tokens at end of #undef directive
> gpm-root.y:521: warning: deprecated use of label at end of compound
> gpm-root.y:630:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive
These are benign, but compilation should always have no warning, as
some of them are important and you may miss them in the pool (also,
"C-x `" finds both errors and warning :)
> make[1]: *** No rule to make target `t-mouse.el', needed by `all'. Stop.
You should remove t-mouse from the list of targets, or just
touch t-mouse.el; sleep 1; touch t-mouse.elc
without changing the Makefile.
Unfortunately there are other bugs in this release, so you'd better
get 1.19.4 (I don't know if it has bugs, I didn't test it) or 1.19.3
(already in wide use so pretty safe).
I reported the bugs to the list a pair of days ago, but the maintainer
is pretty busy, as all of us developers are.