[gpm]Re: [eeprom@bol.com.br: Re: Links 2.0pre5: Mouse smooth]

Mikulas Patocka mikulas@artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 13:00:11 +0200 (CEST)

> > I think it would be really much more easy to patch gpm to return smooth
> > data than to mess with KD_GRAPHICS, catch all signals, force the admin to
> > use -R and reconfigure all software (and losing all mouse features that
> > gpm doesn't understand).
> I'll probably talk with Nico about exposing paralel better designed (not
> struct-based thus hopefully much better extensible) API soon. A pity that your
> mail on gpm mailing list didn't get much interest yet, however that list tends
> to be rather lazy and it frequently takes more than few days to others to
> reply..

I read gpm source and I expect that it will be 15-lines patch on gpm, no
need to make new API. I will try it now, as soon as I compile and install
new gpm.
