[jobmarket] a proposito di certificazioni
Riccardo Murri
Dom 28 Mar 2004 13:46:10 CEST
Ho trovato questo articolo:
che parla brevemente di come e quanto siano considerate le certificazioni
nel mondo dei lavori con GNU/Linux, e si conclude con un raffronto fra i 4
programmi disponibili di certificazioni.
Cito: « What are certifications for? Well, according to Evan Leibovitch,
president of the Linux Professional Institute, in a recent article in
Certification Magazine, have a "single specific purpose. They are intended
to separate the people who "know their stuff" from those who don't."
Most employers think of all certifications, with the exception of Cisco's,
as being little more than minimal standards. The most common attitude seems
to be, "We still have to train them no matter how many pieces of paper they
have." »
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