Oleg Gusev
Tue Feb 3 11:25:43 CET 2004


    the news from  /proc/cpu/registers/*
    'while true; do cat REG; done'

-    GPLR=0x0205B01/0x0A05B001 
     this is GPIO27 SA1101 clock flipping.
-    GPDR=0x0ABAA37FC
     you can see what is programmed for in(0) and what for out(1).

-    GRER=0x4000 / GFER=0x4001
     setup by linux

-    GAFR=0x08603FFC
     you can see what alternate functions(1) are enabled.

So, the GPIO table looks like that :

GPIO#			Function			in/out	alt
0				keyboard			in		-
1				???				in		-
2				???				out+		alt(LCD split)
3				???				out+		alt(LCD split)
4				???				out+		alt(LCD split)
5				???				out+		alt(LCD split)
6				???				out+		alt(LCD split)
7				???				out+		alt(LCD split)
8				???				out+		alt(LCD split)
9				mouse???		out+		alt(LCD split)
10				???				out+		alt(SSP transmit)
11				???				in+		alt(SSP receive)
12				???				out+		alt(SSP serial clock)
13				???				out+		alt(SSP frame clock)
14				SA-1101 chain		in		-
15				???				in		-
16				???				in		-
17				???				out		-
18				???				in		-
19				???				out		-
20				reset			out		-
21				???				out+		alt(TIC ack   /MBGNT)
22				???				in+		alt(TIC reqA /MBREQ)
23				backlight			out		-
24				???				in		-
25				???				out		-
26				???				in		-
27				SA1101 clock		out+		alt(32KHZ_OUT)

My conclusions:
 - mouse must be somewhere else!!!
 - the interesting GPIOs are : 15, 16, 18, 24, 26.


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