[LTP] new shell library

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Oct 4 10:45:32 CEST 2016

> As a person who sees this first time, my immediate concern was,
> how do I know what variables functions names are reserved
> (without need to read entire tst_test.sh) and what happens if
> I make a typo?
> It also forces me to use specific names as the names
> of my functions (e.g. "test", which presumably shadows test(1)).

That is a valid concern. I guess that passing everyting
(setup/cleanup/test/etc.) via TST_FOO variables would be much better.

I was trying to reduce the number of lines per test as much as possible
but this is perhaps too agressive and the end result is complicated
automagic that is hard to understand.

> And there's now requirement on when you can include new library,
> it has to be at the end of file, because there are side-effects
> (it starts the test on inclusion).
> So, I was thinking:
> . tst_test.sh
> ...
> tst_def TID="du01"
> tst_def TCNT=23
> tst_def TST_SETUP mysetup
> tst_def TST_CLEANUP mycleanup
> tst_def TST_TESTFUNC mytest
> tst_def TST_NEEDS_TMPDIR=1
> tst_def TST_NEEDS_CMDS="dd du stat"
> tst_start
> tst_def - makes it clear that this variable defines something for tst_test,
>           checks for potential typos, doesn't allow non-existent ones,
>           is a single place in tst_test.sh where I can see all possible variables together

Hmm, I do not like this indirection too much. This obscures what is
happening in similar manner to my automagic.

What about we do it as:

TST_NEEDS_CMDS="dd du stat"
. tst_test.sh

# the actuall test code


And if you are worried about typos in the TST_ variables we can write a
really simple script that checks for these, something in the spirit of
checkpatch.pl for shell code (bonus is that we can also teach it to look
for common mistakes in shell code as well).

Cyril Hrubis

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